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The Top 10 Things That Keep Americans Up at Night

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What’s on your mind when you’re tossing and turning at 2:00 AM?

In today’s fast-paced world, Americans are finding it increasingly difficult to get a good night’s sleep. A recent survey by U.S. News & World Report has shed light on the primary concerns that are causing sleepless nights across the nation. 

Let’s explore the top 10 issues that are keeping Americans up when they should be peacefully snoozing.

1. Cost of Living

Upward graph trend.
Image credit StockerThings via Shutterstock.

The rising cost of living is the number one concern for Americans, with many respondents reporting it as their most significant worry. From soaring housing prices to increasing grocery bills, financial stress is taking a toll on sleep quality. 

Many are left wondering how to make ends meet, leading to anxiety-filled nights. And it’s not just about the present. People are thinking months and years in the future about how they can keep up with inflation while their paychecks stay the same.

2. Gun Violence in America

Man holding gun.
Image credit Jub-Job via Shutterstock.

Gun violence continues to be a major source of concern, with plenty of Americans losing sleep over this issue. The frequency of mass shootings and the ongoing debate over gun control measures have left many feeling vulnerable and anxious about their safety and the safety of their loved ones. 

Many parents with school-aged children are likely to agonize over sending their children to school where they may not be safe. And this issue further ties into other worries, such as the election.

3. 2024 Presidential Election

Image credit lev radin via Shutterstock.

As the 2024 Presidential election approaches, 31% of Americans report losing sleep over the potential outcomes and implications. This is a common concern for every election year, but many feel the stakes get higher every time. 

The polarized political climate and uncertainty surrounding the election’s impact on various policies are contributing to heightened stress levels and sleepless nights across the country.

4. War

Ukraine war.
zignal_88 via Shutterstock.

Global conflicts and the threat of war are causing rough nights for 55% of Americans. The ongoing war in Ukraine, tensions in the Middle East, and other international disputes have raised concerns about global stability and the potential for wider conflicts. 

This worry can encompass a range of considerations, as war impacts many aspects of our lives. Things like safety, cost of living, traveling, and more can all be affected by war. 

5. Climate Change

Hurricane. Flood
america365 via Shutterstock.

Environmental concerns are keeping many Americans awake at night. The increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters, along with worries about long-term environmental sustainability, are contributing to anxiety about the future of our planet. 

Many coastal cities are expected to be underwater within the next decade or two. So people who live by the beach might be especially overwhelmed by this concern.

6. Personal Health

health insurance.
izzuanroslan via Shutterstock.

Health concerns are a significant source of sleep disruption for many Americans. Worries about chronic conditions, potential illnesses, and access to healthcare are causing anxiety that interferes with restful sleep. 

The ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has also heightened health-related stress. Furthermore, the rising cost of health insurance and the difficulty of getting insurance payouts can exacerbate these worries. 

7. Financial Security

woman making money sign rubbing fingers together.
Image credit Roman Samborskyi via Shutterstock.

Beyond the general cost of living, specific financial concerns such as job security, retirement savings, and debt are keeping Americans up at night. The uncertainty of the economic landscape and personal financial stability are major contributors to sleep-disrupting stress.

This will likely always be true unless you’re a millionaire. However, things are particularly tight for many people right now. The majority of Gen Z do not even feel financially secure enough to invest in their retirement, which only means more financial insecurity later in life.

8. Social Media and Technology

social media.
Woman using smartphone. Using Image credit Don Pablo via Shutterstock.

The pervasive nature of social media and technology is impacting sleep quality for many Americans. Constant connectivity, information overload, and the fear of missing out (FOMO) are leading to difficulty disconnecting and winding down before bedtime. 

It can help to go to bed without your phone, tablet, or computer. In fact, 50% of Americans report trying to limit screen time leading up to bed. But even doing this can’t always remedy how our minds race at night.

Woman with blonde curly hair pressing fingers into head. Stress. Stressed out.
Image credit: pathdoc via Shutterstock.

Job pressures, long hours, and work-life balance issues are significant sleep disruptors for many Americans. The blurring of boundaries between work and personal life, especially with the rise of remote work, has made it challenging for individuals to “switch off” at night. 

When there is no boundary between work and home, it can feel like you’re always on the clock. This can raise stress levels, making it tougher to relax and fall asleep or stay asleep.

10. Family and Relationship Concerns

Stressed parents.
Image credit – Yuri A via Shutterstock.

Interpersonal relationships and family dynamics are also contributing to sleepless nights. Worries about children’s well-being, marital issues, and caring for aging parents are among the personal concerns that can lead to restless nights and sleep deprivation. 

This might be particularly prevalent among the “Sandwich Generation” who are caring for kids and adults simultaneously. These individuals tend to feel overwhelmed by how many people rely on them. 

Too Many Are Tired, But Not Sleeping

Tired frustrated woman with computer.
Image credit CrizzyStudio via Shutterstock.

One of the toughest aspects of this topic is that the less people sleep, the less mentally, emotionally, and physically equipped they are to face these life challenges and worries. 

Addressing these concerns and developing healthy sleep habits is crucial for improving overall well-being and quality of life. It’s important to prioritize self-care and seek support when needed to ensure restful and rejuvenating sleep.

It seems like the more tired someone is over financial worries, societal issues, and personal problems, the less they can sleep, making for a vicious cycle.

Juggling 2-3 Jobs: Is This The American Dream or Nightmare?

Tired frustrated woman with computer.
Image credit CrizzyStudio via Shutterstock.

In the U.S., more people are juggling multiple jobs, often due to financial pressures like inflation and stagnant wages. But who is most impacted, and why? How many jobs are you juggling? And why?

READ: Juggling 2-3 Jobs: Is This The American Dream or Nightmare?

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READ: Can The Human Body Adapt To The Rising Heat? And What Are We Doing If We Can’t?