Shop for All of Your Favorite Low FODMAP Products, Books, Kitchen Tools and Gifts Here!
We have curated all of our favorite low FODMAP products in an easy to navigate shop.
You can eat low FODMAP and plant based with our expert guidance. Eating a higher proportion of foods from plant sources compared to animal sources has been shown to provide long-term health benefits for your heart, metabolism, and digestion – and you don’t have to be vegan or vegetarian to reap these rewards. Instead, the key here is to eat mostly plants, most of the time, over a long period of time, like fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains.
Our recipes and articles show you how to get the most flavor and nutrition out of a low FODMAP plant-based approach, from salads, stews, New Orleans style gumbo, breakfast dishes and even tempeh tacos and tofu Banh Mi.
We have curated all of our favorite low FODMAP products in an easy to navigate shop.