FODMAP is an acronym for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides,Monosaccharides and Polyols. They are a group of small carbohydrates (sugars & fibers) that are indigestible or poorly absorbed by certain people, which can lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms. For more about FODMAPs visit our page on this topic.
Well, you can’t tell by looking! Pure proteins and pure fats contain no FODMAPs, but all other foods have to be lab tested, and there are surprising results. For instance, green and red cabbage both have low FODMAP serving sizes, but they do not even contain the same FODMAPs, according to Monash University. So we have to rely on scientists to help us out. You can check out our comprehensive list of low FODMAP foods. For a digital version we recommend downloading the Monash University Low FODMAP Diet™App and the FODMAP Friendly smartphone app, which are available for both iPhones and Android. They keep testing new foods and adding them all the time. They are the primary sources and trustworthy.
We understand your confusion. As time goes by there is more and more information available referencing the diet – especially online – and the issue is with extrapolation. For instance, someone reads somewhere that almonds are okay and they plaster an almond-filled recipe on their Pinterest board, but they fail to mention the fact that a low FODMAP serving of almonds is just 10 nuts (12 g) or maybe the resource they were working from didn’t even bother to specify.
We suggest that you stick with FODMAP Friendly and Monash University, the originators of the diet. Both of these entities are primary resources and you should become well acquainted with their websites and social media. We highly recommend that you download both the FODMAP Friendly app and the Monash University Low FODMAP Diet™App to help you through your day in a convenient, portable way. We use ours constantly!
While their lab testing might not always agree, that is not an issue and you can read more about that in our article, When Monash University & FODMAP Friendly Lab Test Results Differ.
Trusted Resources & Tools
You’ve come to the right place at FODMAP Everyday®. We have a unique system that combines our exclusive tested recipes (by a professional recipe developer in our own Test Kitchen) and they sport our Elimination Icon. All of our original recipe development is based upon the scientific findings by Monash University and FODMAP Friendly. Dédé is head of our Test Kitchen and is Monash University dietitian trained and FODMAP Friendly Accredited, as is our site on the whole. Here are some sites that we recommend as reputable:
- Monash University – Monash University researchers developed the diet and they are primary sources for the diet. They are constantly updating their website and app information based on their research. Please download their app right away.
- FODMAP Friendly: This institution was founded by one of the researchers (Sue Shepherd) who developed the diet, while working at Monash. They, along with Monash, are the two primary sources and are the entities lab testing foods and publishing the results for all of us. We think everyone following the diet needs their smartphone app.
- Everyday Nutrition – Joanna Baker, APD, AN, RN and Marnie Nitschke, APD, AN provide both services and support one on one and online- they are both highly skilled and experienced in the low FODMAP diet- and are super nice! Based in Australia. You can read our interview with her here.
- A Little Bit Yummy – Alana Scott and her team of dietitians were some of the earliest promoters of the diet and offer a wealth of information on their site – with recipes and meal plans. You can read our interview with her here.
- Patsy Catsos – Patsy Catsos, MS, RDN, LD is a medical nutrition therapist, FODMAP expert, and author who is a highly respected low FODMAP expert with a wealth of reliable information on her site. You can read our interview with her here.
- Kate Scarlata – Kate Scarlata, RDN is one of the foremost authorities on the low FODMAP diet here in the U.S. and also follows the diet herself! She co-authored the book The Low FODMAP Diet Step by Step with FODMAP Everyday’s co-founder, Dédé Wilson.
- Diet vs. Disease– This website is run by dietitian Joe Leech, who has a Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics and his team includes Monash trained dietitians as well. While they offer broad coverage including information on autoimmune disease, metabolic health and genetics, they do have a special focus on the low FODMAP diet and offer many videos, downloadable handouts and PDFs.
- The Bloated Belly Whisperer, Tamara Duker Frueman, MS, RD, CDN – Tamara is NYC based and has a clinical practice focused on the dietary management of digestive and metabolic diseases. She writes regularly for U.S. News & World Report and her book, The Bloated Belly Whisperer, is available for order now! Visit her site to sign up for her newsletter.
We have developed our own internal FODMAP Everyday® system to help you navigate this diet – just look for the green “kiwi”! We have recipes and products in our Shop that sport our bright green “e – for Elimination” icon
, which means they comply with Monash University science and are low FODMAP.
This icon is used when the recipe or product, based on the science from Monash University and other trusted resources (such as FODMAP Friendly and our Monash trained RD’s clinical experience), is determined by us to most likely be appropriate for you while on the low FODMAP diet Elimination Phase.
Please read about our Recipe Filter where you can learn to further customize your recipe search based on your unique dietary needs.
These recipes and products are not formally tested. We are suggesting that you try these foods and assess your own tolerance, but they are low in FODMAPs and are a good bet for being able to be incorporated into your low FODMAP lifestyle. We are not medical professionals and you should work with a licensed Registered Dietitian (RD) while undertaking the diet – so you are responsible for your own choices here. We have done our very best to be as accurate as possible with our review of ingredients and amounts and content in our recipes. This filter is to help you expand your choices based on your specific sensitivities identified in collaboration with your medical support team.
We have developed an exclusive, robust filter to help you find recipes that suit you specifically, no matter where you are in the diet. Let’s say you are a vegetarian in the Elimination Phase of the diet and want to only search Gluten-Free recipes? You can do that.
Or you have made it through the Challenge Phase and you know you can eat foods with polyols, but not fructans or lactose or oligos, and you really do want the broadest range of recipes to choose from. You can do that with our filter.
Or you are looking for chicken recipes that can be made in 30 minutes or less, are free of all the FODMAP categories and also dairy-free. You can do that, too and more. Go to our Recipes landing page and check it out.
The Low FODMAP Diet & You
- Go to a GI specialist and rule out celiac, and other diseases that can mimic IBS.
- If you receive a diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), go to step 3.
- Find a RDN to help you navigate the diet. They diet was always meant to be undertaken with a dietitian, even though doctors do not mention this.
- Commit yourself to ONE WEEK. We think that you will be feeling so great after JUST SEVEN DAYS that completing the approximately month-long Elimination Phase is going to fly by!
- Surround yourself with reliable resources, like us, to help you. You are not alone!
- Take The Challenge Phase seriously, slow and methodically – it will last about 1 to 2 months, during which you will learn about your personal food triggers.
- Most likely at this point you will be pain and symptom-free and literally feel like you got your life back. You will be nothing short of amazed. ARE YOU READY? Yes? We are here for you.
We will begin by assuming you already have an IBS diagnosis, and the diet has been medically prescribed.
The #1 reason we see people not getting the results they want or expect is because they are not working with a FODMAP trained dietitian.
The diet was ALWAYS meant to be undertaken along with a FODMAP trained RD, but patients rarely get told this. They get an IBS diagnosis and sent out the door with a paper handout (maybe).
Please read this article: Have IBS? Top Reasons To Work with a Dietitian. You'll see why it is imperative!
Here’s what we have seen over the 8 years we have been educating people about the diet…that if folks work with a FODMAP trained dietitian from the get-go, that they will not only SAVE money in the long run, but they will be symptom-free sooner. And isn’t that the goal?
We have an entire article for you! Take a look at this: What If The Low FODMAP Diet Isn't Working?
And take a look at what you are doing. Are you taking probiotics or any other medicines, including herbal supplements that might be conflicting? Are you cheating here and there thinking that it won’t really matter? Are you using information from several resources trying to cobble together a system?
We suggest that you regroup before giving up! You owe it to yourself to give this a serious, structured try. We aren’t saying it will be super easy, especially at first, but the potential of living a pain and symptom-free life might just be a mere month away! Working with a FODMAP trained dietitian should be your first step.
Let us know how we can help you focus. We want you to thrive!
We get it; we really do. Many on our Team have IBS and follow the diet, and we hear from thousands of you every day who are fearful.
Here’s the deal. Being afraid to eat a food is a type of disordered eating. This is not the same thing as an eating disorder, but it is an issue nonetheless. When you work with a dietitian they not only help you figure out what foods to eat, but they will also make sure that you maintain – or discover! – a positive relationship with food.
We need food to live. We have to eat every day. You will need food every day for the rest of your life. You owe it to yourself to learn how to have a great relationship with food, actually enjoy what you are eating, and remain symptom-free. We promise you that it is possible.
Statistically up to about 75% of you with IBS will experience symptom relief when following the low FODMAP diet. Of course that means that for 25% it might not be the answer. Or perhaps, it needs to be followed in conjunction with other plans of attack. Check back in with your RDN and/or GI specialist and most importantly don‘t give up! There is relief for you – it might just take some sleuthing to figure it out.
Dédé and several members of our Success Team follow this diet and have personally experienced the life-changing value of the low FODMAP lifestyle. We are truly here for you. We developed FODMAP Everyday for people like you who want their lives back.
Use our Contact page to drop us a line. We are always looking for ways to improve our offerings and become the community that you need.
Now, Go Out There, Eat and THRIVE!
We will update this FAQs section as information evolves and as we hear from you about questions you may have! Feel free to send us your questions using our Contact Us Page