FODMAP Friendly & The Low FODMAP Diet

FODMAP Friendly Food Program

FODMAP Friendly, one of the leaders in the low FODMAP landscape, was founded by Tim Mottin and Sue Shepherd. Sue had previously been on the research team at Monash University that developed the low FODMAP diet.

FODMAP Friendly is best known for their certification trademark. The round logo (seen below left), featuring interlocking green “Fs”, signifies to consumers that the product bearing the logo has been laboratory tested to be low in FODMAPs and appropriate to consume when following the low FODMAP diet, even during Elimination.

FODMAP Friendly uses DTS Food Assurance, an independent lab and Australia’s largest food testing organization for their FODMAP testing.

Their similar, but square logo (seen below right), is used for Accreditation to identify those organizations and persons who demonstrate expertise, knowledge and practical understanding of FODMAPs. For instance, FODMAP Everyday® is Accredited by FODMAP Friendly and Dédé Wilson, our co-Founder, is also individually Accredited.

A graphic with the two FODMAP Friendly Logos displayed

FODMAP Friendly Low FODMAP App

The FODMAP Friendly smartphone app (seen below) has a database of hundreds of foods including FODMAP Friendly certified prepared products. With the app you can check if a food is high or low in FODMAPs from the convenience of your smart phone device. You can find the app in the Apple Store and Google Play

NEW FODMAP Friendly App.
Graphic by Dédé Wilson for FODMAP Everyday.

The app has recently been completely overhauled September 2024; it is more robust than ever – and now includes a new feature called The FODMAP Friendly Recipe Maker. We have an article for you about that feature HERE. And don’t forget to use our exclusive code for 50% off of The Recipe Maker: RECIPEMAKERDEDE.

FODMAP Friendly Recipe Maker.
Via FODMAP Friendly.

Please read these companion articles: FODMAP Friendly Lab Testing Explained, and also How To Use The FODMAP Friendly App.

FODMAP Friendly Educational Support

FODMAP Friendly provides education for consumers and health professionals from presenting seminars around Australia and overseas, webinars and most importantly, the GI Institute, created in collaboration with the University of MichiganWithin the GI Institute they have the FODMAP Institute course titled IBS Management: The Low FODMAP Diet, which boasts the most recognized presenters on this topic globally from dietitians to gastroenterologist.

Certified Products

FODMAP FRIENDLY certified foods.
Graphic by Dédé Wilson for FODMAP Everyday.

FODMAP Friendly is continuously lab testing and certifying products for their suitability for consumption while following the low FODMAP diet. They have hundreds of products available in Australia and the United States, as well as the UK and EU. Below we have highlighted some of the companies that we are working and use regularly with that are low FODMAP certified by FODMAP Friendly. For the most up to date listing of products visit their website

These brands and hundreds more are certified low FODMAP:

Meet FODMAP Friendly

Tim Mottin. FODMAP Friendly.
Graphic by Dédé Wilson for FODMAP Everyday.

We have interviewed Tim Mottin (Founder), Sarah Lawless (Dietitian and Business Development Manager), and Ijmeet Maan (Dietitian & Marketing Manager) to learn more about the FODMAP Friendly brand. You can read their interview here. 

More Information About FODMAP Friendly

Please read these articles for a fuller understanding of all that FODMAP Friendly has to offer.