“What can I eat”? We hear this all the time and you have probably thought the very same thing as well.
What To Eat is a FODMAP Everyday regular column that will answer the question,
“What can I eat on the low FODMAP diet ?”
We will show you What To Eat, without a recipe
Search for What to Eat using the Food Features Filter
This column, and features in social media will show you how to whip up a snack or meal, without any ingredient lists or long instructions. The idea is to get you in and out of the kitchen quickly, to help you think about navigating food shopping and preparation while using and enjoying real, whole foods.
For instance, you can look forward to finding images and What To Eat descriptions for salads such as the Greens, Quinoa & Chickpeas above: Combine cooked room temperature red quinoa with an equal volume of fresh salad greens, a handful of chickpeas and sliced sweet bell peppers. Dress with vinaigrette. Edible flowers optional!
You will find other What To Eat non-recipes such as Weekend Breakfast, and Chicken, Tofu, Pesto, Potatoes & Carrots with a new What To Eat column every Monday. Start your week right with our quick and easy ideas that will help you thrive on the low FODMAP diet.
Yes, preparing and cooking low FODMAP food CAN BE THAT EASY!
Of course, portion control is important when following the low FODMAP diet, so keep track of amounts using your Monash University app.