We understand your confusion. As time goes by there is more and more information available referencing the diet – especially online – and the issue is with extrapolation. For instance, someone reads somewhere that almonds are okay and they plaster an almond-filled recipe on their Pinterest board, but they fail to mention the fact that a low FODMAP serving of almonds is just 10 nuts (12 g) or maybe the resource they were working from didn’t even bother to specify.
We suggest that you stick with FODMAP Friendly and Monash University, the originators of the diet. Both of these entities are primary resources and you should become well acquainted with their websites and social media. We highly recommend that you download both the FODMAP Friendly app and the Monash University Low FODMAP Diet™App to help you through your day in a convenient, portable way. We use ours constantly!
While their lab testing might not always agree, that is not an issue and you can read more about that in our article, When Monash University & FODMAP Friendly Lab Test Results Differ.