Whether you are new to the low FODMAP diet, or have been navigating it for a while, we certainly hope that you are aware of FODMAP Friendly as a leader in the field. We strive to bring you interviews with the trailblazers and we are thrilled to bring you Tim Mottin (Founder), Sarah Lawless (Dietitian and Business Development Manager), and Ijmeet Maan (Dietitian & Marketing Manager) to learn more about the FODMAP Friendly brand.
Many diet followers use the term “FODMAP friendly” to denote a food that is recommended and low FODMAP in content, but where did that term come from originally? Let’s dive in.
Dédé Wilson: We like to start at the beginning, so our community can learn directly from you about your brand. Tell us how FODMAP Friendly came to be and tell us what your roles are within the company.
Dr. Sue Shepherd, well known for her work in FODMAPs and part of the original team at Monash University along with our director Tim Mottin who had food malabsorption and intolerance testing clinics got together due to a lack of awareness and exposure of FODMAPs globally. In 2012, they developed the term FODMAP Friendly and the first certification program for foods that are laboratory tested to be low in FODMAPs. This was seen as a huge benefit to those suffering to be able to purchase foods that they had confidence in being low in FODMAPs.
Your brand extends broadly. Take us through your various offerings.
FODMAP Friendly offers a wide range of resources for people suffering with IBS and for health professionals. This includes our certification program which makes it easy to find suitable and reliable low FODMAP products. Our testing is independent and uses the largest food testing laboratory in Australia, used by multinationals, state and federal governments.
FODMAP Friendly provides education for consumers and health professionals from presenting seminars around Australia and overseas, webinars and most importantly, the GI Institute, created in collaboration with the University of Michigan. Within the GI Institute we have the FODMAP Institute course titled IBS Management: The Low FODMAP Diet, which boasts the most recognized presenters on this topic globally from dietitians to gastroenterologist.
Furthermore, our unique app which details the specific FODMAP content like no other app. This is the most detailed FODMAP app as we share exact FODMAP content. Our includes a variety of features including a list of tested foods, some of which cannot be found elsewhere or on other apps; certified foods, recipes, meal plans, dietitian directory – where people can find a FODMAP trained dietitian local to them. As well as our new Recipe Maker feature! (It is found within the FODMAP Friendly App).
EDITORS NOTE: We have an exclusive 50% off for you for this new Recipe Maker feature: Just use code RECIPEMAKERDEDE.
Our unique app which details the specific FODMAP content like no other app. This is the most detailed FODMAP app as we share exact FODMAP content.
Let’s talk about your new FODMAP Friendly Recipe Maker! This is a game-changer. You surveyed over 5000 people following the low FODMAP diet, and FODMAP stacking was the number one issue that people reported. Tell us about this new product.
The Recipe Maker is a new feature in our app. This is a game changer. It’s a first of its kind feature that allows people to create their own low FODMAP recipes that they can have confidence in. Another unique feature of the Recipe Maker is its ability to provide low FODMAP ingredient alternatives where a recipe is found to be high FODMAP.
This feature helps users understand exactly what goes into their meals, making FODMAP stacking clear and manageable. It eliminates guesswork and saves time.
With this new feature, users can create their own recipes, or check if an existing recipe is low FODMAP—whether it’s one they’ve found in a cookbook or an old favorite. The app also provides a step-by-step swap guide, making it easy to adjust recipes to be low FODMAP.
While we’re at it, take a moment to talk about how to use your app in general. If folks want to assemble a snack, as opposed to a recipe, and want to tell if their almonds, grapes, and cheddar are low FODMAP, they can use your app to do so.
The Recipe Maker can be used for any meal including snacks. Alternatively, people can look up individual ingredients from the food list function.
With regards to the product certification, please explain what the certification mark logo is signaling to the consumer?
The certification trademark logo provides the upmost confidence to a consumer that the food product has been laboratory tested to be low in FODMAPs. There’s no guesswork involved in this.
The other benefit of our certification program is that products are regularly retested to ensure that they continue to meet our criteria. This is important as sometimes manufacturers may decide to either change a range of their suppliers or change an ingredient which seems like it may not make a difference but can be detrimental. It is well known that ingredients such as tomatoes sources from different parts of a country can have different FODMAP levels.
We do a lot of consumer education around smartphone apps. Many people choose a FODMAP app solely based on the fact that it’s free and typically do not even think about where the data is coming from. You actually test foods and are a primary source for the information you provide. Can you explain why it is important to use primary sources like FODMAP Friendly?
You can ensure that it is factual information without any bias.
How are your FODMAP thresholds determined, reflected in the lab testing?
Percentage of the various FODMAPs are shown in our app after a food has been laboratory tested.
Can you elaborate a bit more about the independent lab(s) that you use for prepared food product certifications and testing whole foods for FODMAPs?
As previously mentioned, they are the largest food testing laboratory in Australia and to be able to provide surety of procedures and protocols within a laboratory, the laboratory is known as National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA) Accredited. This is extremely important as the laboratories are continually reviewed, audited and assessed by this body to ensure that the correct procedures and protocols are being followed. Countries around the world have similar bodies to ensure laboratories in those countries are conforming to standards.
If a product manufacturer is reading this and would like to have their product FODMAP Friendly Low FODMAP Certified, what is their first step?
Reach out to us by emailing or filling in the contact form on our website. Our email address info@fodmapfriendly.com
This is a simple, straightforward and personalized service.
What about the consumer who is seeking information about a specific ingredient that has not been tested yet? Can the public ask for items to be tested? Do you get emails with requests?
If a consumer is curious about a specific ingredient that hasn’t been tested yet, they can absolutely reach out to us! We welcome requests for ingredient testing, and the easiest way to do that is through our app. Simply submit a request, and our team will review it for future testing. We also receive emails with these types of requests, so feel free to get in touch that way as well. While we can’t guarantee immediate testing, we do consider all feedback when planning future updates.
Of all the aspects of the FODMAP Friendly brand, is there a main focus for you at this point?
Our main focus right now is always continuing to empower individuals on the low FODMAP diet by providing accessible, accurate information. Whether it’s through ingredient testing, our app features, or resources that help people manage FODMAP stacking, we’re committed to making the low FODMAP journey easier and more manageable.
I have received accreditation from FODMAP Friendly as a recipe developer and FODMAP educator and our brand FODMAP Everyday is accredited by you as content experts. Can you describe the difference between a FODMAP Friendly product certification and your accreditations for our readers? Please touch on the difference between your circular logo and your square logo and what they signal to the consumer.
FODMAP Friendly offers different types of certifications that signal trust and reliability to consumers navigating the low FODMAP diet.
The FODMAP Friendly product certification is awarded to food products that have undergone rigorous laboratory testing to ensure they meet the strict low FODMAP criteria. These products display the circular FODMAP Friendly Certification Trademark logo, which guarantees that they have been tested and are suitable for people following the low FODMAP diet.
The accreditation program, like those you’ve received as a recipe developer and FODMAP educator, indicate that those people or organisations have been recognised for providing trustworthy, evidence-based information about the low FODMAP diet. Accreditation is also used for items that are not laboratory tested, such as recipes and ready meals. This Accreditation has now become more accessible for restaurants and cafes in order to identify those that provide menu items that are suitable for those following a low FODMAP diet
The square FODMAP Friendly logo seen in this context highlights the role as verified sources of low FODMAP knowledge, education, recipes, meals and now Restaurants!
We have certainly noticed that you have had many newly certified foods hitting the shelves in Australia and the United States. At this point how many products are certified and where are they available?
We’ve seen a growing number of newly certified FODMAP Friendly products hitting the shelves, both in Australia and the United States, which is really exciting!
We have certified over a thousand products worldwide. These products are available in major supermarkets, health food stores, and online retailers, making it easier than ever for people following the low FODMAP diet to find suitable options. Availability does vary depending on the region, these can be found on our website or app; but we’re continuing to expand, and more products are becoming accessible in a range of countries.
The US market for low FODMAP products is growing – can you share with us your plans for further expanding FODMAP Friendly certification of products for the US market? What about products for sale in other markets such as the UK and EU market?
The US market for low FODMAP products is definitely growing, and we’re excited to continue expanding our certification. We continue to work closely with more food manufacturers to increase the availability of certified low FODMAP products across a range of categories globally. We’re also focusing on educating both brands and consumers about the benefits of certification, which not only helps people with IBS and gut health issues but also gives companies a competitive edge in this growing market.
As awareness of the low FODMAP diet continues to grow globally, we’re committed to ensuring that certified products are accessible to consumers no matter where they are.
You have over 85,000 followers on Facebook and over 65k followers on Instagram – other than your website fodmapfriendly.com, are these the two main places consumers should follow for the most up-to-date information about your program?
Yes, our Facebook and Instagram pages are definitely two of the best places for consumers to stay up to date with everything happening at FODMAP Friendly. We share regular updates, tips, new product certifications, and helpful content for those following the low FODMAP diet. In addition to our website, these platforms offer a great way to engage directly with our community and be the first to hear about new developments.
We also encourage people to sign up for our newsletter via our website to receive updates directly in their inbox and follow us on other social platforms like X and LinkedIn.
Tim, Sarah, and Ijmeet thank you so much for spending time chatting with us. FODMAP Friendly continues to be a trusted primary source for FODMAP information and we hope our community members take advantage of all that you have to offer.
Please read our articles on How To Use The FODMAP Friendly Smartphone App, All About The FODMAP Friendly Recipe Maker, and FODMAP Friendly Lab Testing Explained.