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How To Stay Cool: Maximize Your Air Conditioner’s Performance

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We know that with summer comes massive heat waves. Many people who have air conditioners (AC) in their homes end up running them overtime. These extreme outdoor air temperatures present a significant challenge to AC systems, which engineers and installers say are only designed to keep indoor temperatures about 20 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than outside. With temperatures in many parts of the U.S. in excess of 100 degrees Fahrenheit, that can pose a big problem.

Experts offer tips on how to maximize your air conditioner’s performance.

Close Windows and Doors

window with white curtains.
Photo credit: Sunny Twinster via Canva.

This might seem obvious, and let’s assume you think you have shut your windows and doors, but what about those rooms you never go into? Could a window be cracked open?

What often happens is that windows do not have good seals and air is escaping. Check the base of doors as well. Do a review and fix where necessary.

Plugging Leaks In General

teal colored shutters on window.
Photo credit: frydendals via Canva.

Once you have checked the windows and doors, keep going. What about air-leaks in the attic. When was the last time you went up there? It’s time…

Program Your Thermostat

 Photo credit: Erik Mclean via Canva.

Experts tell us that homeowners often do not know that they can program their thermostats. If you are gone all day, there is no reason for you to be taxing your air conditioning system.

Make Sure The Condenser is Shaded

multiple AC units.
Photo credit: matuska via Canva.

An air conditioner’s condenser is the outdoor component of your air conditioning unit that is responsible for the condensation process that releases heat. If it is in the sun, it will become overworked.

Maximize Airflow Around Your Air Condenser

AC unit showing air flow.
Photo credit: Mustafa_Fahd via Canva.

In addition to shade, your condenser should have good airflow. This applies to outdoor units, of course, but inside make sure you have great air-flow as well.

Change The Filter

AC filter.
Photo credit: MMXeon from MMXeon’s Images via Canva.

Various air conditioners and systems have different needs and filters. What they have in common is that the filter must be changed regularly. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations and follow through.

Do Not Use Registers for Temperature Control

vent in floor.
Photo credit: dropthepress via DepositPhotos.

Registers can help aim air, but they are not meant to be closed off, and doing so can damage your cooling system. This applies to vents on units themselves, as well as floor and wall vents.

Closing vents can build up pressure in the system, which can overheat and crack parts of the equipment. Closing or blocking vents can also freeze the evaporator coil, leading to the refrigerant being unable to return to the compressor, eventually causing it to break down.

Consider Zoning Systems

man on couch with AC unit.
Photo credit: studioroman via Canva.

This is a long term solution, but if you consistently find you have different cooling needs in different parts of the house, you should consider looking into zoning systems. This gives you specialized control for each room/area in your house.

How Old Is Your Window Unit?

window AC unit.
Photo credit: guynamedjames via DepositPhotos.

The average lifespan of a window unit air conditioner is between 5 to 8 years, with an average of 7 years 1. The actual lifespan depends on the usage, maintenance, location, and efficiency of the unit. For instance, if you have not changed the filter regularly, that will lessen the years it remains operable.

How “Large” Is Your Air Conditioner?

dog looking at wall AC unit.
Photo credit: evrmmnt via DepositPhotos.

Air conditioners come in various sizes, which are to be matched to the area needed to be cooled. If you have a larger area and are trying to cool it with an air conditioner that is meant for a smaller space, that will result in a less-than-cool living area.

Maintain Your Air Conditioner For Optimal Performance

woman checking AC unit.
Photo credit: AndreyPopov via DepositPhotos.

Here is your checklist for maintaining your AC unit, for maximum cooling.

  • Schedule regular HVAC maintenance checks, where a technician will clean and inspect the unit and perform any repairs.
  • Change the filter regularly, at least once a month or once a quarter, to remove dust, dirt, and other particles.
  • Clean the vents with a vacuum hose and a damp washcloth before you start your AC for the first time in a season.
  • Clean the coils on your air conditioner’s condenser, which are exposed to the elements and can collect leaves, dirt, dust, and insects.

How To Stay Cool Without An Air Conditioner When It’s Over 100 Degrees

Suffering from Summer Heat.
Photo Credit studioroman.

When faced with power outages, extreme heat, or a desire to save money, it’s possible to stay comfortable without relying on artificial cooling in your home. And it is more than just a matter of comfort; high temperatures can be harmful to the body, leading to heat-related illnesses like hyperthermia, which is our body over-heating, sometimes actually elevating our internal body temperature. Here are some effective methods to keep cool without air conditioning: Read- How To Stay Cool Without An Air Conditioner When It’s Over 100 Degrees

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Sheetz Store 1.
Photo credit: Sheetz.

We scoured the Internet to see what people had to say about gas station food. If you think the only things available are wrinkled hotdogs of indeterminate age, and day-glow slushies, we’ve got great, tasty news for you. Whether it ends up being part of a regular routine, or your only resource on a long car trip, we have the food info you need. Let’s look at 6 gas stations that folks can’t get enough of and see what they have for you to eat. Read 6 Gas Station Chains With Food So Good It’s Worth Driving Out Of Your Way For


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