Ordering Room Service at Hotels: Low FODMAP Style
I have probably stayed in hundreds of hotels so far in my life, still I’ve rarely ordered room service. Why is that?

One reason is definitely that I can’t be held back when I’m visiting a new place. I love to go outside and explore the surroundings. Usually I do a lot of research in advance (which is important when travelling with food intolerances) and find loads of cool restaurants I want to check out. So no time to stay at the hotel and chill.
Still there are moments, especially when travelling long-term, you want to stay in.
Room Service Is Relaxing
I’ve been there myself where I needed a quick break from travelling. At that point it can be the perfect thing to relax at your home-away-from-home for a night and reload your batteries.
Also sometimes you just want to enjoy your money’s worth and use your hotel room to its full potential, particularly when you paid a good amount for it. Either way, if you feel like it, do it!
When you live in the moment, you won’t miss anything. And there’s nothing else that you will enjoy more. Believe me, it feels as good as staying at home on a Saturday night and ordering some take out (speaking to all the +25’s here). And, relaxation is good for those of us with IBS!
That’s exactly how this is going to be as well, with my tips for FODMAPers. Staying in your hotel room compares well to staying at home. Getting food delivered is pretty similar, no matter where you are. And as far as your diet goes, the same rules apply no matter where you are.
3 Top Low FODMAP Tips For Ordering Room Service at Hotels
1. Plan Ahead:
You can already check for low FODMAP options when choosing a hotel. Have a look on the website to see if they write anything about allergy friendly options. If not, you can always call the hotel in advance. This doesn’t only apply for room service but also for breakfast.
2. Special Requests:
Mention that you have food intolerances when ordering your food. Tell the staff exactly what you can and can’t eat and ask them what they could adapt / prepare for you. You can often order „off“ menu and ask for a simple grilled or broiled steak, hamburger, chicken or fish. Vegetables can be requested without any sauces. Fresh fruit is usually available. Order salads with oil and vinegar on the side, as salad dressings can be problematic and contain high FODMAP ingredients.
3. Stand Your Ground:
If you’ve been promised a meal to fit your special requests and then get delivered something that’s not, don’t be afraid to send it back.
For more tips on how to eat out, read the full article on your blog about the Top 10 Strategies for Eating Out On the Low FODMAP Diet.
Navigating the Minibar
Ah, and if you want a drink or little snack to go with it, most hotels rooms are equipped with a minibar. Here’s a couple tips to navigating the tempting minibar (and remember, they can be pricey, too!:)
- Most mini bars have small “nips“ of alcohol, which are typically 50 ml in size. A recommended low FODMAP amount of gin, whiskey and vodka is 30 ml, FYI.
- Red, white and sparkling wines are low FODMAP in amounts of 150 ml.
- Simple corn or potato chips or plain or salted nuts are often low FODMAP (watch out for high FODMAP ingredients such as onion and garlic). And of course watch your portions.
- And go for water rather than sugary drinks or soda. You don’t need the extra sugar and carbonation can be a trigger for some people (know yourself).
Be sure to read: Drinking Alcohol On The Low FODMAP Diet and Best Low FODMAP Snacks For On The Run
Now that you know what to eat and drink, sit back on your comfy hotel bed, watch a good movie and most importantly: Enjoy it!
And tell me about it afterwards. I’d love to hear your experiences. Comment below and share your favorite room service meals!
♡ Angi