What to Eat: All-Purpose Low FODMAP Snack Mix aka Party Mix
It’s holiday time and snacking opportunities are Everywhere! That can be hard for us FODMAPers. Our suggestion? Make this snack party mix in a large batch and bring as a host gift. Stock the employee break room. Carry it in your gym bag! If you have this to munch on, you won’t be tempted by high FODMAP treats.
Use moderation of course. Try ¼ cup (15 g) to start.
What To Eat Non-Recipe
Toss together a mixture of pretzels (we like gluten-free), low FODMAP nuts such as peanuts and almonds, a few chocolate chips and a smattering of raisins.
Looking for more What To Eat? Ideas – Check Out These!
What To Eat: Leftover Salmon Tacos
What To Eat: Sauteed Flounder in Brown Butter
What To Eat: Chicken, Tofu, Pesto, Potatoes & Carrots
and much more here.
I wish low FODMAP was more realistic – or, if that’s impossible, then let writers admit it’s really, really restrictive and stop hawking it like a “normal” life. The above recipe for snack mix sounds great…until you get to the recommended serving: 1/4 cup! Have you ever eaten 1/4 cup of snack mix? Do you know how many pretzels are in 1/4 cup??? Please, stop insulting my intelligence.
Here is our thinking. We much prefer to think about and know what we can eat, as opposed to what we cannot. This snack mix allows someone on the Elimination phase to have a small amount, but who knows what you might be able to tolerate later on? After your Challenge phase you might be able to have double that or even more. I have been able to eat 1 cup at a time with no issues – but that’s my experience. Another thing to consider is how this Snack Mix won’t look like “diet” food when you set it out at a party. It allows the FODMAPer to normalize their condition and not call attention to their food needs. Friends can gorge and you can nibble and we think that’s great! Also, to answer your question, depending on brand, there are about 4 of these mini pretzels in 1/4 cup and we think that is a great amount to go with our tuna at lunch or as a snack on their own. We trust that you will find some recipes here to your liking and we wish you luck on your FODMAP journey.