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Top 6 Low FODMAP Pantry Items

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Stock Your Pantry

If you have these pantry items at hand, cooking and baking low-FODMAP recipes and enjoying low-FODMAP foods will be easier than ever. Be sure to check out our fave Top 6 Low-FODMAP Fridge and Freezer Items.

Top 6 Low FODMAP Pantry Items -

  1. Garlic-Infused Oils: Whether olive oil based or vegetable oil based, garlic oil will allow you to have your garlic flavor and stick to a low-FODMAP diet at the same time. Even during the Elimination phase. Read our article on commercially prepared garlic-infused oils or you can also make your own Garlic-Infused Oil.

  2. Low FODMAP Gluten-Free Pasta: With appropriate low FODMAP pasta on hand you will always be ready to make a last-minute dinner. A little of that Garlic-Infused Oil, some grated Parm, freshly ground black pepper and you are good to go. We think Tinkyada and Jovial brands have the best texture and they offer many shapes, from shells to lasagna, farfalle to fettuccine and of course, spaghetti. We ALWAYS have some in our pantry. Not all gluten-free pasta is low FODMAP. Please read the ingredient label.

  3. Canned Crushed or Ground Tomatoes: Low-FODMAP choices, of course (check labels). With some cans of these around you will be ready to whip up marinara sauces, use in lasagna and other pasta dishes, enhance Indian and Mexican dishes and create easy homemade soups. We love Muir Glen Organic products– many of which you can find in our shop.

  4. Low FODMAP Gluten-Free All Purpose Flour: Our #1 choice is Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free 1-to1 Baking Flour and it is what we stock in the Test Kitchen. You will be able to make Banana Bread Muffins, Pie Crust and thicken sauces with ease – and it will be easy on your tummy. Not all gluten-free flour is low FODMAP. Please read the ingredient label.

  5. Low FODMAP Gluten-Free Bread: With suitable sandwich style bread on hand you can make sandwiches for lunch, grilled cheese, French toast and croutons for salad and soups. Here in the U.S. the easiest brand to find is Udi’s. Stick with their White Sandwich Bread, which many FODMAPers have found to be not only suitable but tasty as well. Not all gluten-free bread is low FODMAP. Please read the ingredient label.

  6. Peanut Butter: We reach for PB all the time, as it is a great low-FODMAP and protein packed choice for snacks and lunch. Try some on a banana (no apples!), bread or a rice cake. We are partial to the all-natural types that list peanuts and salt as the only ingredients, such as Teddies and Smucker’s. We also occasionally use the new “natural creamy”, “no-stir” styles as well. Just steer clear of those that list hydrogenated fats.

Check out our article of Top 6 Low FODMAP Fridge and Freezer Items. And find these and other low FODMAP pantry items in our SHOP.

Now go stock your low FODMAP pantry and you will be ready to make low FODMAP meals quickly and easily.

Top 6 Low FODMAP Pantry Items you should have on hand.

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