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High FODMAP Foods With Low FODMAP Serving Sizes

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There are high FODMAP foods with low FODMAP serving sizes. What do we mean by this? Well, the diet is very much about serving size, so a food can be high FODMAP at higher serving sizes, but also low FODMAP in smaller serving sizes.

There are many ways to know whether a food contains FODMAPs, and if so, whether it is low enough in FODMAPs to consume while on the Elimination Phase of the diet; we are going to show you how. You will discover many High FODMAP Foods With Low FODMAP Serving Sizes, which is what this article addresses.

The Monash University Traffic Light System

We highly recommend that you download the Monash University Low FODMAP Diet Smartphone app. Monash researchers developed the diet and they routinely lab test foods and make updates to the app; all the money goes back to research on the low FODMAP diet. We also suggest you download the FODMAP Friendly smartphone app; they too are a primary source, testing foods and publishing results.

Monash University originated the “traffic light” system for their app, and you might have come across people talking about “Green Light” foods as being low FODMAP. That terminology is referencing this app. Red Light means High FODMAP content, Yellow (or amber) Light means Moderate FODMAP content and Green Light means Low FODMAP content appropriate for the Elimination Phase.

Here is the MOST important thing you need to pay attention to:

These lights refer to “serving sizes”. Please also read our accompanying article, What Is A Low FODMAP Serving Size?

This means that while a whole piece of fruit, or a cup of something, or 50 grams of a food might have a scary Red Light attached to it, that same food might also have an Elimination Phase appropriate, low FODMAP Green Light serving size amount. Always click through every Red Light and Yellow Light entry in the app to more fully understand the Green Light serving sizes.

Red Light Doesn’t Always Mean STOP

We like to say a Red light doesn’t mean stop, it means learn more! Dive in deeper. You might be surprised.

We know from speaking with so many of you, and from spending time on social media, that too many people following the diet stop when they see a Red Light – and that means they are missing out on delicious food and what is best for their health.

Low FODMAP Foods Beyond The App

With the frequent updates and large databases, the Monash and FODMAP Friendly apps continue to be the most reliable resources. But let’s say you are reading something somewhere that says a particular food is high FODMAP (like lists handed to you by the doctor).

Maybe you are looking at a splashy graphic on social media that has a column of “high FODMAP foods” and a column of “low FODMAP foods”. Read carefully. Most often we see incomplete or incorrect information – and typically serving size information is completely absent.

That ripe banana and/or avocado under the high FODMAP category is probably scaring you away from eating any. YOU CAN EAT THEM! Even during Elimination.

person looking surprised.
Photo credit: RobinHiggins via Canva.

Serving sizes are often not addressed on those lists, and especially on social media. This diet is not meant to be learned in tiny, incomplete sound bites.

Read on. We will explain how you can eat that ripe banana and avocado and so much more.

Our Favorite Red Light High FODMAP Foods You Can Eat

Here are some of our favorite foods that have high as well as low FODMAP serving sizes.

(Please note that Monash updates the app and occasionally they change serving sizes, so an entry that once might have had a Red Light next to it, might earn a Yellow or Green light at another time; see blueberries below).


Avocado is our #1 favorite high FODMAP Red Light food! Hands down. Why? Because avocados are so delicious, and you CAN have avocado!

For quite a while, Monash suggested 30 g as the amount of avocado that was Green Light low FODMAP. Subsequent lab tests showed that double that – 60 g – can be an appropriate low FODMAP serving size.

FODMAP Friendly has lab tested avocados and their lab testing showed no FODMAP content at all.

Check out this article for more info: When Low FODMAP Lab Test Results Differ.

Below in the image, the clear bowl contains 30 g diced avocado and the toast has 30 g of avocado on top, to give you an idea of amount. It’s a generous serving, and you could even have more!

The clear dish contains 30 g of avocado; there is also 30 g of avocado on the toast. Is Avocado Low FODMAP?

Check out our low FODMAP recipes for Avocado Toast, Guacamole, and even 7-Layer Dip.

Florida Avocado on the left; Hass avocado on the right. Is Avocado Low FODMAP? YES!

And, BTW, ignore when you see the words “⅛ of an avocado is safe”, or “⅛ an avocado is low FODMAP.” There is no such thing as a “standard” size avocado. They can range from 3-ounces (85 g) to 5-pounds (2.3 kg), and an eighth of an avocado is NOT going to be low FODMAP. ALWAYS go by weight. Read our article Is Avocado Low FODMAP? for more info.


You have probably seen almonds listed on both high FODMAP food lists as well as low FODMAP lists. On the Monash app you will first see a big Red Light and might think, “Oh no, I can’t have almonds”! Not true! The Green Light amount of 10 whole almonds at 12 g is a generous amount for a snack or to be incorporated into a recipe, such as a pesto, streusel, cake, like our Clementine Almond Cake, scattered on savory dishes, candied, salted, etc.

low FODMAP anise almond biscotti on a silver plate

We even have Anise Almond Biscotti, chocolate granola and roasted shrimp featuring this nut. And remember, just because a recipe might call for 50 g of almonds doesn’t mean that it is high FODMAP. If that recipe suggests 8 servings, you are well below the FODMAP threshold – if you stick to the serving size recommendations.


Image credit Redmond135 via Shutterstock.

Many lists say celery is high FODMAP, which might lead you to believe that you cannot have it. Even though celery has a Red Light next to it on the Monash app, look closer. Monash has lab tested celery at 10 g as low FODMAP.

What can you do with 10 g of celery, which is about a quarter of a stalk? We think a lot! That’s enough to add to classic tuna salad or egg salad, or to add to a soup or stock. Or just spread some PB on there with a few raisins and you have the classic “ants-on-a-log” snack.

BTW, Monash has also lab tested celery leaves and they are low FODMAP in a generous 75 g! We love their flavor; you could chop some up and add to your egg salad or tuna for more celery flavor!


Image credit Thaweeporn via Shutterstock.

Speaking of raisins, they get a bad rap and a Red Light, too. But there is a low FODMAP Green Light serving size of raisins of 1 Australian tablespoon at 13 g.  We use them in granola, to top salads, fold into batters – check out our Low FODMAP Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.

Yellow Peaches: 

Yellow peaches have a Red light next to them, so everyone steers clear and thinks they are high FODMAP. They are at larger amounts. But look at the image below. Each wedge is 30 g of yellow peaches and that amount is low FODMAP. We used them in a sauce for duck that we think is just splendid.

low FODMAP amount of yellow peaches at 30 g


Red grapefruit.
Image credit Nedim Bajramovic via Shutterstock.

Missing this flavorful citrus? 80 grams of grapefruit is low FODMAP. Try adding to salad or a beverage, like our Low FODMAP Seabreeze Mimosa.


Photo credit: Dédé Wilson from FODMAP Everyday®.

Here is an interesting story. A while ago Monash lab tested blueberries and their low FODMAP serving size was ¼ cup (40 g) of blueberries. There was a Red Light next to them. Now there is Green Light next to them and their low FODMAP serving size has increased to 125 g.

We know this kind of change can drive you a bit nuts, but just remember that the entries in all the apps are JUST GUIDES. They are not absolutes. Vegetables and fruits are actually expected to have hugely variable FODMAP content.

So go ahead and top your cereal or yogurt, or to even make a super-simple Maple Blueberry Compote to spoon over pancakes and waffles, Crumb Topped Berry Slab Pie, Blueberry Pie, Fresh Blueberry Pie (seen above) or our Kale Salad

Savoy Cabbage: 

Savoy cabbage head on white background

It is true that this cabbage is higher FODMAP than conventional green cabbage, and has a Red Light next to it in the Monash app, but there is a low FODMAP serving of ½ cup (40 g). This is plenty to incorporate into a slaw, stir-fry or other dish, such as our Low FODMAP Asian Tofu Noodle Papaya Salad and our Asian Steak & Noodle Salad with Peanuts & Mint.

Sweet Corn (corn on the cob):

Corn might have a Red Light next to it on the app, but click through and you will see that ½ cob at 38 g is Green Light and low FODMAP.

Check out our recipe shown below for Grilled Corn with Garlic Herb Butter. It is low FODMAP!. Or try the Mexican Style Street Corn, or Grilled Corn Salsa. Summer is coming – eat fresh corn!

low FODMAP grilled corn with garlic herb Butter

Snow Peas: 

Snow peas.
Image credit Brent Hofacker via Shutterstock.

Snow Peas are a triple threat, containing FODMAPs in three categories: GOS, Fructans and Mannitol, according to Monash lab testing. But did you know that 5 snow pea pods at 16 g are low FODMAP? No need to avoid completely. That is plenty for a stir-fry serving.

Ripe Banana: 

bunches of bananas, varying ripeness

We love ripe bananas. They are the best kind for smoothies (especially frozen) and for baking. One-third of a medium ripe banana (35 g) is low FODMAP, which is enough to bake and make all kinds of delectable goodies such as banana bread, Low FODMAP Banana Cream Pie, our very own Mocha Banana Smoothie – and have you seen our Salted Caramel Banana Cake?

Look below. Pay attention to serving sizes and you can enjoy all of these amazing low FODMAP recipes.

horizontal image of low FODMAP Salted Caramel Banana Cake on white pedestal


low FODMAP amounts of Pink Lady Apples_
Each of these amounts equals 25 grams: the thick slices, the dice and the thinner slices.

Yes, apples! Okay bear with me here. 20 g for Pink Lady apples and 25 g for Granny Smith apples is a small amount, but that’s what we have to work with – and we have made Charoset with them, added them to chicken salad, incorporated them into muffins, schmeared a few slices with peanut butter for a snack…you get the idea. The point is – you CAN have a small bit of apple.

The Takeaway

Have we convinced you? We hope so. Always fully explore an ingredient. You might discover that there is a lab-tested low FODMAP serving size.

Of course, after a well-structured Challenge Phase you will know your individual tolerances, which you should always listen to.

We know that the low FODMAP diet is nuanced and can be confusing. This is why you should always undertake the diet with the help of a FODMAP trained Registered Dietitian.

If this article helps even just a few of you understand the diet more completely and encourages you to approach your diet in a broader way, then we have accomplished our goal.

Similarly, the goal of the third Integration Phase of the low FODMAP diet is to eat as broadly as possible, which is what is healthiest for your gut and general health in the long run.

Learn to THRIVE on the low FODMAP diet! No deprivation necessary!

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